Angel's Bear Collection - since 2016

I started to custom made outfits for bear since finished the Graduation Bears' project in year 2016.

My virgin Angel's Bears. They were from 2 lovely mommies ideas of giving their child a surprised graduation gifts. What a brilliant idea right?

Here are some of customised bear I ever made till recent years.

Khoo Teck Puat's nurse bear. 

TTSH's nurse scrub suit bear.

A special "Dr. Fadz Handsome Hunk" doctor scrub suit bear. :D

Angel's bear - Friendship bear! A mommy's gifts to all her good friends' babies on their first mommy+baby gathering. Hope this friendship bears can bring their strong friendship to their children too!

Give me a "Five"! A mommy's gift to her son and other nephews and niece who study in the same kindergarten, Cherie Hearts Kindergarten.  Hope her son can easily adapt to his new school with the help of his newly adopted Angel's bear! ;o)

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